Before Alpaca Arrival at Shadow Wood

Before the alpaca/s arrive here we strongly recommend that the seller obtains an alpaca health certificate from a veterinarian and that the buyer obtains insurance cover for their alpaca/s. Almost all alpacas arrive at their destination without issue but occasionally something unexpected may occur and insurance cover will provide peace of mind.

Please check your alpacas very carefully for any health issues. For example skin problems can be easily missed and may result in an alpaca being unable to enter isolation.

Treatment Declaration prior to entering Isolation for Export

Please download and complete the following documents. SW Treatment Declaration

Arrival at Shadow Wood

Our Documentation and Biosecurity Measures.

All alpacas will be drenched on arrival at Shadow Wood in order to enter the export group. This includes pregnant females and cria. In some cases due to the gestation period of pregnant females some products should not be used however substitute products are available hence we require the LMD declaration on the Treatment Declaration Form.

On arrival the alpaca/s will stay in quarantine paddocks. Our standard 3 day arrival protocol is …….. First day - weight and health checks, long acting drench (usually Genesis Ultra or Zolvix Plus). Second Day - Baycox C.  Transfer to standard isolation pasture at the end of the third day.


During the Isolation Period

General Husbandry

High nutritional value supplementary feed is given daily during the 42 day stay.

Regular weight and health checks are performed. Our regular checks always consist of an ID/microchip check, weight, body score and eye membrane colour check.

AsureQuality (for MPI, Ministry of Primary Industries) will do two health inspections plus the required blood and TB tests. Additional tests may be required depending upon the destination country.

All alpacas require two permanent forms of identification, one of which must be a microchip. This can be inserted prior to arrival at SW or we can arrange a veterinarian to insert it here.

Daily zinc supplementation for Facial Eczema protection will be given from January to April (possibly into May). Please ensure alpacas arriving here over this time have begun eating alpaca pellets containing Zinc for approximately 2 weeks before arrival. We advise starting on 50 grams and increasing to 200grams per alpaca daily as they get used to the taste.

Nails will be trimmed as required although we do appreciate trimming to be done before arrival here.

Please ensure vaccines are up to date before arrival here although we can give cria doses if required.


Departure from Shadow Wood

Exit Procedure

Our exit drench protocol is approximately 7 days before departure the alpacas will be drenched again (G.U. and Baycox C, with 24 hours between these two medications).

Hideject ADE will be given near the end of the their stay. The goal is to assist the resilience and immune system of the alpaca before their air travel.

A document listing medications and husbandry for each alpaca will be sent to the new owner after departure from Shadow Wood.


Lastly - an important reminder again………

Insurance and Health Certificates

Before the alpaca/s arrive here we strongly recommend that the seller obtains an alpaca health certificate from a veterinarian and that the buyer obtains insurance cover for their alpaca/s. Almost all alpacas arrive at their destination without issue but occasionally something unexpected may occur and insurance cover will provide peace of mind.


For information:

Contact us if you would like to know more about using Shadow Wood as your export property from New Zealand.